Here’s How MMA Improves Your Mental Wellbeing

two mans fighting in klatka

In the U.S. in 2016, the number of participants (aged six years and older) in martial arts amounted to approximately 3.58 million. Considering the health benefits of MMA, it’s no wonder why this activity is so popular. But it’s not just physically healthy — mixed martial arts actually give your brain and mental health a boost as… Read more »

Martial Arts Misconceptions: Debunking Popular Training Myths

Young man practicing traditional Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Ji and Qi gong in the park for healthy, traditional chinese martial arts concept.

There’s no doubt that martial arts disciplines such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, and Tai Chi have maintained their popularity in the United States. But despite how prevalent these activities are, there’s still a lot of misinformation that continues to spread about them. These incorrect assumptions might dissuade you from participating in one of these… Read more »

Are Fight-Related Injuries in Muay Thai Just Part of the Game?


Fight-Related Injuries in Muay Thai  It’s no secret that participation in a combat sport, such as Muay Thai, can result in an injury. These injuries in Muay Thai can vary anywhere between a simple bruise to a completely broken bone, and in many cases, athletes competing in Muay Thai will suffer soft-tissue injuries (sprains and… Read more »

One Secret To Kid’s Martial Arts Training That ALL Parents Should Know

Kid’s Martial Arts is an amazing tool for developing discipline, focus and physical strength. It’s what most parents want their kids to develop, and have the confidence to be speak their mind and able to defend themselves if the situation ever arises. This is only scratching the surface to what martial arts can offer for… Read more »

How to treat Cauliflower ear

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How to treat Cauliflower ear. If you’ve spent any time around the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, chances are you’ve noticed that some students, particularly those with years of experience, tend to have lumpy, misshapen ears. This is a condition commonly known as cauliflower ear. Prevalent among grapplers of all types, this condition is typically viewed… Read more »

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense Strategy

Mixed Martial Arts in Portland

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense Strategy. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a highly effective self-defense system. Unfortunately, BJJ’s self-defense applications are often ignored in today’s competition-focused environment. This isn’t meant to disparage BJJ competitions, as they’re a great way to test your skills and evaluate your progress. However, we should always keep in mind BJJ’s original purpose and devote… Read more »

BJJ hip mobility

brazilian jiu jitsu portland

BJJ hip mobility. Nearly every technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu requires efficient hip mobility. Generally speaking, this refers to the ability of the hip joint.  To move through its entire range of motion without pain or discomfort. Perhaps the most obvious technique requiring good hip mobility is the hip escape. The hip escape is a fundamental grappling… Read more »