Jiu Jitsu Philosophy 101

Jiu Jitsu in Portland: Triangle Choke

Traditional Gracie Jiu Jitsu philosophy dates back some time, and has played an avid role in the grappling community ever since. Back then, major areas of focus included joint locks, throws, strikes, immobilizations, and chokes- all of which were equally effective. Gracie Jiu Jitsu is more than just a hobby- it’s a way of life…. Read more »

The Pen is Mightier

JKD Eskrima portland

This is the third in a series of ten articles encapsulating and explaining the use of Eskrima combat in world famous films. Each blog post will examine an individual movie scene, drawing on the list of the ten best Filipino Martial Arts scenes. The character of Jason Bourne as portrayed by Matt Damon in his… Read more »

Get In Shape For Boxing!

boxing portland

Boxing is a sport that requires the utmost amount of physical conditioning. This is ultimately what’s going to separate you from the competition. Being in shape will take your Portland boxing skills to the next level, as well as allow you to maintain your form throughout later rounds. Here are four aspects of solid boxing… Read more »

Smackdown on Stickfighting

kali eskrima portland

This is the second in a series of ten blog posts which will examine the use of Eskrima fighting styles in famous films. Each article will focus on one of the scenes. In our modern age of civilization, sports entertainment networks such as World Wrestling Entertainment have replaced the once bloody gladiator battles best known… Read more »

What is the Jiu-Jitsu Mindset?

brazilian jiu jitsu in Portland, OR

Developing a winning Jiu-Jitsu mindset is one of the best ways to endure the ups and downs associated with this sport. It’s a part of Jiu-Jitsu philosophy, that when mastered, will dramatically take your skills to the next level. As a general rule of thumb, you can view Jiu-Jitsu as an assortment of attacks and… Read more »

The Dragon Uses Kali

kali eskrima portland

This is the first in a ten post series following the use of Eskrima fighting styles in famous films. Each article will focus on one of the scenes listed at insights.looloo.com. Eskrima’s brutal system of minimal effort and lethal techniques make it ideal for many movie fight scenes, particularly those that wish to appear swift… Read more »

Cutting Weight For Boxing

Boxing Gym in Portland

Cutting Weight for Boxing Competition There’s no doubt that cutting weight for boxing competition can be a hassle. Not only will it wear you down physically but it will drain you emotionally as well. Because of this, you need to understand the importance of cutting weight the right way. This will ensure that you still… Read more »

The Art of Eskrima Explained

kali eskrima portland

The Art of Eskrima is a Brutally Effective Form of Self-Defense What were the circumstances behind the evolution of Eskrima? Imagine growing up in a primitive jungle society where food and shelter are scarce commodities. You often hear tales from the elders of invaders who came to your land many years ago. They arrived in… Read more »