The Importance of Loyalty in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

brazilian jiu jitsu portland

I would like to share some thoughts on Loyalty in the martial arts. Brazilian Jiu jitsu is built around respect, discipline and loyalty. Unfortunately all too often both instructors and students lose track of this and the value of the art is diminished. Understanding the importance of Loyalty in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a incredible… Read more »

Jiu Jitsu for Beginners Survival Guide

  Jiu Jitsu is a complex art of skill and strength. At first it can seem so overwhelming that we want to give up. Our goals to be strong and fit, or to know how to fight just don’t seem worth it. It doesn’t have to be this way. You see most of the energy… Read more »

Ashton Kutcher vs. Conor McGregor in a Braziliian Jiu Jitsu Match Who Will be the Victor

Conor McGregor

Ashton Kutcher vs. Conor McGregor. Everyone in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community knows who Master Rigan Machado is and what an impact he has had on the sport. Not only is his competition record so amazing that most jiu jitsu competitors stand in ahh of his success, but he has also made an amazing impact… Read more »

What does “OSS” mean?

BJJ Portland

I heard one of my students ask an assistant instructor here at our academy What does “OSS” mean? He responded saying it is a display of respect. While yes this is true I thought it would make for a good article because I think many people in the BJJ and MMA communities are using this as… Read more »