If you are ever in need of applying your Brazilian jiu jitsu techniques for self-defense in the Portland, OR area there is a good chance that your assailant is not going to announce that they are planning to attack you. Therefore, it becomes important that you know how to defend yourself in close quarters, once… Read more »
BJJ for Self Defense in Portland
Many people ask how Jiu Jitsu for Self defense works. The truth is that most practitioners never want to get involved in a fight and are going to do whatever they can to avoid a fight, instead Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is about knowing that you are prepared when something does happen, it is about feeling… Read more »
Women’s Jiu Jitsu for Fitness and Conditioning
Listing all the benefits of Women’s Jiu Jitsu would take a multi-volume encyclopedia. Of the many benefits that it offers, the art remains one of the best ways for women to get into great physical condition. At this point, some might be wondering how women’s jiu Jitsu can be an improvement over cardio kickboxing which… Read more »
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu VS Weight Lifting
When it comes to becoming the fittest you have ever been, there is no workout in the Portland area that is better for you than taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes. Pavel Tsatsouline, the man that is responsible for having launched the modern kettle bell revolution, once said that one of the worst things that ever… Read more »
Jiu Jitsu School: How to Become Your Best
Why do people come to train at a jiu jitsu school? If you walk into any training facility and ask people about why they have started training you would see that the answers are as varied as the people themselves are. If you are considering training BJJ in Portland, OR, you may not yet know… Read more »
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu For Women
Brazilian jiu jitsu for women– some people look at it a bit skeptical and wonder why women choose to roll around in a very active competition with one another and men. But most of the people who actively wonder never have taken the time out to ask one of those women why they train Brazilian jiu jitsu,… Read more »
How Jiu Jitsu Tournaments Improve Your Game
To someone who trains BJJ for fun, fitness, self defense, or just the enjoyment of club rolling, Jiu Jitsu tournaments might not be something they wish to participate in. They might not have a desire to be active competitors and they might not feel they have the time to dedicate to the preparation required to… Read more »
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Class in Portland
Some people who are about to walk into a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class in Portland, OR or anywhere in the country for that matter, have preconceived notions about what exactly BJJ is or how it can benefit you as a person. So because of that let us run down a few of the most obvious… Read more »