Tai Chi Sword

tai chi portland

By Jeff Patterson 5/21/2009 In China the sword is highly respected and is considered the “king of the short weapons”. The Jian (tai chi sword) is a narrow-bladed, double-edged sword that requires the highest of skill and spirit for one to effectively use it. In addition to it’s martial use, the tai chi sword has… Read more »

Hello Portland Tai Chi-ers!

Tai Chi in Portland

The videos on this page are designed to help you begin to develop your Tai Chi practice. Remember that the foundation of the many benefits of the arts is a daily practice. As you get started this can be anywhere from 15-30 minutes a day. For many this will be enough to maintain health and… Read more »

Sifu Yip Man: Grandmaster of Wing Chun Kung Fu

Martial Arts Portland

Yip Man was a Grandmaster of Wing Chun Kung Fu. He is credited with opening the art to westerners and championing the Art of Wing Chun, training many masters to follow him and leaving a legacy that spans the globe. Yip Man’s first Sifu was Chan Wah-Shun. It is said that when Yip Man first… Read more »

The Benefits of Tai Chi

tai chi portland

Those who teach Tai chi movements are always talking about thebenefits of tai chi to the consumer public. These benefits include increased health, wellness, balance, strength, peace of mind, self-defense, etc. All of these perceived benefits of tai chi can greatly enhance a person’s ability to live a better quality and longer life. These claims… Read more »

Muay Thai Techniques

muay thai kickboxing portland

Muay Thai is a hard striking martial art originating in the battlefields of Thailand. This time tested art has a rich history and legends involving it’s use are deeply woven into the culture of the Thai people. Muay Thai is also known as the science of eight limbs due to it’s use of eight primary… Read more »

Guru Ted LucayLucay

kali eskrima portland

Guro Ted LucayLucay was born on the island of Kauai (Hawaii). He was exposed to the martial arts from a young age. His father, Guro Lucky LucayLucay, is said to be the originator of Panantukan (Filipino Boxing). Though, Lucky himself would that “it was all Kali…” emphasizing that the weapon and empty hand arts were… Read more »

Muay Thai – Straight Jab

Muay Thai Gym Portland

  Straight Jab Punch Body Alignments: The key to a good jab is proper alignment and unifying the whole body into the same movement. The lead knee is slightly bent. Locking it would cause counter force and interfere with your movement. The hand moves as though it is on rails during the strike and recoil…. Read more »

Downward Muay Thai Elbow

muay thai kickboxing portland

  Downward Muay Thai Elbow Body Alignments: The striking arm is forty five degrees above the shoulder out from the side of the body. The palm has rotated in until it faces out toward the opponent. The defending arm is in the same position mentioned in the Horizontal and Upward Muay Thai Elbows; wrist braced… Read more »