Managing Migraines Through Tai Chi

Tai Chi in Portland

Tai Chi, Migraines Managing migraines through Tai Chi. Those of you us who suffer from migraines know only too well what the pain is like. The agony can be so bad that the only solution we know is to hide away in a dark quiet place and pray for the end to come. No one but… Read more »

Tai chi will help with Anxiety attacks

Tai Chi Training in Portland

Tai chi will help with Anxiety attacks. For most of us the occasional feeling of mild anxiety is quite normal and rarely goes beyond this level. However for a large percentage of the population and a percentage that is steadily increasing, these feelings of mild anxiety develop into full blown anxiety attacks that can lead… Read more »

Tai Chi Is More Than Just Meditation

tai chi portland

So you keep hearing about the advantages of meditation, doctors, psychiatrists and many others are all touting the major health benefits of this ancient practice. Tai chi is more than just Meditation. You may have even been tempted to try it for yourself, but somehow the idea of sitting down and doing absolutely nothing or… Read more »

Workplace Tai Chi Benefits Office Workers

Martial arts training in Portland

There was a time when the largest percentage of the workforce spent their days involved in at least some level of physical activity. Whether a little or a lot, this physical activity was good for their physical health, heart health and overall mental well-being, today this is no longer the case. The largest percentage of… Read more »

Health benefits of Tai Chi

tai chi portland

Martial Arts Everyday Please Health benefits of Tai Chi… If one of the biggest reasons you have for not exercising daily is that you do not want to deal with the puffing, panting and sweating that goes with hitting the gym, the gentle flowing movements of Tai Chi such as you will find being taught in… Read more »