Finding Harmony in Martial Arts: In the world of martial arts, there exists a delicate balance between physical prowess and mental discipline. Beyond mastering techniques and perfecting forms, practitioners often seek a deeper understanding of themselves and their interactions with others. It is within this quest for self-mastery that the wisdom of the Four Agreements finds… Read more »
Eskrima for Self-Defense
Eskrima for Self-Defense There is a reason why the Special Forces, the Military and Law Enforcement choose to study Eskrima. Eskrima for Self-Defense is one of the most practical forms of self-defense in the world. One of the ideas that has always drawn me to the practice of Eskrima is how they teach in concept… Read more »
The Art of Eskrima Explained
The Art of Eskrima is a Brutally Effective Form of Self-Defense What were the circumstances behind the evolution of Eskrima? Imagine growing up in a primitive jungle society where food and shelter are scarce commodities. You often hear tales from the elders of invaders who came to your land many years ago. They arrived in… Read more »