Kickboxing for Fitness

muay thai kickboxing portland

Kickboxing for Fitness Improves Your Cardio and Endurance Many people feel challenged or even out of breath when they begin their first kickboxing class or video. This can be a rather intense workout and you may even feel unprepared or overwhelmed by the way it makes you feel at first. What this goes to show… Read more »

MMA For Women’s Self-Defense

Women’s Self Defense in Portland

Why Choose MMA for Women’s Self-Defense? Mixed Martial Arts training is an excellent tool to help women protect themselves. Here are a few assault statistics against women: • Every 2 minutes, somewhere in the United States, someone is sexually assaulted. • 1 in 6 American women are victims of such of assaults. • According to… Read more »

February 2014 News Letter


NW Fighting Arts                                 2014 Monthly News Letter February   What’s new with NW Fighting Arts:   – Sub-League competition was on Feb. 1st, congrats to those who competed! –  Training in AFT? There has been a new AFT class added! – Congratulations to those who tested in Muay Thai and BJJ on January 28th! –… Read more »

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Competition?

BJJ Classes in Portland

Have you noticed how popular Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become in the United States over the past decade? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions have become known as an excellent venue for wrestlers and grapplers of all types to showcase their talents. Although Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an effective form of self-defense, many people enjoy the art… Read more »

The Kickboxing Workout: Being The Best

Kickboxing in Portland

You are capable of so much more than you realize, and something like the kickboxing workout is what will help you to get there. Though so many of us focus on physical fitness and well being, the big picture involves much more than that. Your emotional and mental well being is also factored in, and… Read more »

Kickboxing for Women

women’s kickboxing

Kickboxing for Women is a Great Workout! We tend to look at martial arts as something for men, but you will find that an excellent workout regimen is kickboxing for women. Not only do you get in a great cardio workout, but you can also use it for strengthening and toning. Sure it’s intense and… Read more »

MMA Gear

MMA in Portland

MMA Gear Makes Mixed Martial Arts Training Safer To become an MMA fighter and enjoy battling it out in the cage with your opponent in front of an electrifying crowd of millions of fans, you need to acquire proper training and of course, gear up properly to avoid injuries during fights. Originally, MMA sports began… Read more »

BJJ Competition Techniques

BJJ school in Portland

Learn These 5 BJJ Competition Techniques to Improve Your Competitive Jiu Jitsu Game Brazilian jujitsu competitions give you the opportunity to test your skills against other grapplers and identify weaknesses in your grappling game. If you’ve ever been to a competition before, then you’ll know that some techniques are used more often than others. We’ve… Read more »