Losing Weight at an Alarming Rate Kickboxing emerged as an activity that has been deemed perfect for losing weight. In the 1990’s, you could say kickboxing overtook aerobics classes as the favored group weight loss class in the eyes of the public. What is the reason for this? The answer is not one that should… Read more »
Tai Chi can help Arthritis of the Knee In a study that was conducted at Tufts University and published in Arthritis Care and Research journal, it was reported that Tai Chi can help to improve overall function and significantly reduce the levels of pain suffered by those with arthritis of the knee. The research was… Read more »
Tai Chi for Headache Relief and Reduced Stress In a study conducted by the National Headache Foundation, it is estimated that over 45 million people in the US suffer from some form of chronic headaches. This report goes on to state that this situation results in the loss of some $50 billion each year due… Read more »
While the idea that Tai Chi can be beneficial to someone who is diabetic might seem strange, you need to realize that a regular practitioner of this Chinese martial art form learns to manage their stress while at the same time significantly improving their micro-circulation. At the same time, Tai Chi can Help with Diabetes… Read more »
Tai Chi Helping teens deal with Stress As parents, most of us don’t notice the levels of stress that our teens deal with on a daily basis. Sure we see them act out and in many cases seem to be moody, but in our minds this is nothing more than “typical” teenage behavior and as… Read more »
BJJ Self-Defense for Beginners – 7 Tips to Remember First and foremost, starting out in BJJ Self-Defense for Beginners classes is just like starting out in anything else – you aren’t going to be that good in the beginning. But don’t worry, because that’s expected. Let’s take a look at 7 tips that you should… Read more »
Tai Chi Forms & Styles This is best explained by saying that a Tai Chi form is a specific movement and that Tai Chi styles are a group of specific movements. In essence it is the forms that make the individual style and that each style as Yang or Chen may have both unique forms… Read more »
Fight or Flight – Things to Know As a Woman Stuck in a Self-Defense Situation Women’s Self-Defense. The term “flight or flight” refers to our body’s natural response mechanism when faced with a foreseen threat. Some women respond to threats by running (flight) while others respond to threats by getting read to fight. As a… Read more »