The Six Healing Sounds is a Taoist qigong and sitting meditation. The Six Healing Sounds set falls on the health and spiritual/psychological end of the qigong spectrum.

Seminars10_11-030 This set is a very calming routine and is an excellent qigong form to work in the evening. It helps shed the tensions of the day, calming your body and mind, leading to more restful sleep. Though the Six Healing sounds have been practiced for hundreds of years, most recently it has been popularized and widely taught by Mantak Chia.

A few guidelines to practicing the Six Healing Sounds qigong:

There are many connections and associations to be aware of for each of the movements and sounds. Learn them well and focus the mind of these connections during your practice. However, make a clear distinction between focusing on particular qualities and distracting visualizations. If your focus point is something overly complicated that you have to strain for then it is counterproductive. Simplify by paying attention to one or two of the aspects of each sound at a time, gradually adding more until you can manage the whole sensation. This will help you receive the benefit of the qigong set.

The Six Healing Sounds is generally practiced while seated in a half or full lotus position with the hands resting on the thighs, palms facing up. It can also be trained while sitting in a chair with the knees approximately hip width apart and the feet resting flat on the ground.

It is recommended that you practice each sound three, six or nine times.
When you make the sounds they are sub-vocal, audible only internally. In between the repetitions of each movement, breathe smoothly three times. When you exhale on the interim breaths you should still hear the sound internally even though you aren’t generating it.

On every exhale in this qigong set smile internally at the back of the throat and let that positive sensation radiate down into the body.


Six Healing Sounds Movements

1. The Lungs’ Sound 

2. The Kidneys’ Sound 

3. The Liver’s Sound

4. The Heart’s Sound 

5. The Spleen’s Sound

6. The Triple Warmer’s Sound



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