Japanese Jiu Jitsu Vs Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

brazilian jiu jitsu portland

The topic of Japanese Jiu Jitsu vs Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one that never seems to go away. There is a bit of confusion among those who might be new to the martial arts as to what is the difference between traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The difference between the two is quite… Read more »

Jiu Jitsu Fighter

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Do you want to be a Jiu Jitsu fighter? If so you are chasing a noble goal and you can attain great success. The first step would be to define what exactly a fighter of Jiu Jitsu actually would be. A Jiu Jitsu fighter is a practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu who moves out of… Read more »

BJJ Grappling Submissions

brazilian jiu jitsu portland

Grappling submissions are found in many different styles of the martial arts. You will find them in mixed martial arts, traditional arts, self-defense programs, and, of course, submission wrestling. On the surface, there may seem to be a great many different submissions which make up the totality of concession moves. This might be the perceptions… Read more »

Jiu Jitsu Competition How To Get Ready

BJJ school in Portland

There are some myths surrounding the world of Jiu Jitsu competition and these myths have the unfortunate effect of keeping people who would greatly benefit from taking part in these competitions from actually trying their hand at them. So, let’s take a little time out to dispel some of these myths. First, you do not… Read more »

Getting those Jiu Jitsu Drills Done

Jiu Jitsu self defense in portland

Not everyone likes to take part in Jiu Jitsu drills because they find them the less appealing aspect of training. Most students of the art prefer to learn a few techniques in class and then take part in free rolling. This is not always the very best approach to training because there is a huge… Read more »

Find The Right BJJ Instructor

BJJ Portland

You cannot teach yourself Jiu Jitsu. You need to study under a qualified Jiu Jitsu instructor who can help develop your skills and talents. Who knows? You may learn so much about the art from a qualified instructor that you may end up becoming an instructor yourself. Under the right hands, a really great instructor… Read more »

Understanding Jiu Jitsu Conditioning

Train MMA in Portland

When you ask people about areas of study in Jiu Jitsu, you will hear a great many discussions about throws, sweeps, and submissions. However, you might not hear many people discuss Jiu Jitsu conditioning which is a tremendous oversight. Conditioning does play a major role in how well you can succeed in the art. Much… Read more »

Judo vs Jiu Jitsu

brazilian jiu jitsu portland

The topic of Judo vs Jiu Jitsu is a complex one. To those who might not be familiar with the martial arts, Judo and Jiu Jitsu might seem to be very much the same. You really would have a tough time telling them apart if you looked at still photos of the respective arts’ practitioners… Read more »