Type II Diabetes and Tai Chi

Tai Chi in Portland

Reduce your Diabetes Medications, with Tai Chi As you look around this country, you can’t help but notice the ever growing number of clinically obese people we have. Not only is the number of obese people in this country is growing at incredible rates, but along with this the number of people suffering from type… Read more »

Tai Chi Zhan Zhuang

qigong portland

Tai Chi & Zhan Zhuang For those who are looking at the different martial arts and trying to find one that can help them to relax and not only teach them a martial art per se, but teach them how to relax and achieve a pure meditative state, you may come across both Tai Chi… Read more »

Tai Chi for Senior Citizens

qigong portland

The Benefits of Tai Chi, for Senior Citizens Getting old is no joke and while for all of us it is inevitable; how we choose to grow old is entirely in our hands. Chief among the problems we face as we age are medical conditions such as arthritis and the risk of falling. For those… Read more »

What are your Tai Chi Benefits?

Tai Chi Training in Portland

Growing older? What are your Tai Chi Benefits? There are a number of Tai Chi benefits that are directly related to growing older. As we age, many of us start to suffer from a number of ailments such as arthritis, loss of balance and as a result of this significant injury. Before we look too deeply… Read more »

The Tai Chi Mystery

tai chi portland

The Tai Chi Mystery One of the biggest problems with trying to trace Tai Chi history is that there are a number of different versions as each style or family wishes everyone to believe that their version is the true original version. This has led to much confusion and dispute over the centuries, but the… Read more »

Tai Chi and Yoga

tai chi Ichuan portland

Tai Chi and Yoga When looking at Tai Chi vs. Yoga, you need to realize that while Tai Chi has its roots seated far back in Chinese history; Yoga has a similar history that began in India. While there are definite similarities in some of the forms, you will also find that the two practices… Read more »

Tai Chi Definition

tai chi portland

Tai Chi Definition The shortest possible Tai Chi definition would be to simply state that it is an exercise system that was developed in ancient China which consists of slow and very deliberate body movements combined with breathing techniques and meditation. The purpose of this regimen is to allow the practitioner to achieve a state… Read more »

Tai Chi, “Supreme Ultimate Fist”

qigong portland

The literal translation, Supreme Ultimate Fist, Tai Chi has long been one of the most popular forms of exercise in China and in recent times this popularity has spread to the United States. What is it about this Chinese martial art that is reputed to have been started by a Chinese monk by the name… Read more »