I would like to share some thoughts on Loyalty in the martial arts. Brazilian Jiu jitsu is built around respect, discipline and loyalty. Unfortunately all too often both instructors and students lose track of this and the value of the art is diminished. Understanding the importance of Loyalty in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a incredible gift we share as martial artists. Often martial arts are degraded, devalued and looked down upon. There are too many practitioners who lack these moral values and basic fundamental principles that these arts were derived from.
Loyalty in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
I have been involved with the martial arts for almost 30 years and have met some amazing people along the way. When you are fortunate enough to come up in the arts with the guidance of a good instructor. It can be like having dinner at a nice Steak House vs. McDonalds.
I have traveled around the world training in many different countries. I started up my academy Northwest Fighting Arts back 1994 and have been going strong ever since.
Along the way I have trained with hundreds of people from other academies. I quickly learned that not all martial artists have the same beliefs or set of values. It is important to understand the intended origins a martial artists life style.
Why Loyalty in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
First there are many people out there who have no loyalty to their teachers who have given them this amazing art form. When someone devotes their life to the martial arts there are some things that only get passed on with time and trust.
Even though it is possible to get good in martial arts while traveling from one teacher to the next. I don’t feel you will ever get the true meaning behind the art without that close personal connection of a masters guidance.
In fact many teachers I know only give out certain information to low-level students. When they teach seminars or make videos they give out valuable content, but will often leave out information. Keeping the hidden secrets with in the moves or ideas being taught for those who they really trust.
Second there are so many people out there these days teaching martial arts who have not come up with this close family oriented guidance. This has lead to many people in the martial arts community who display the negative characteristics. Disrespect, arrogance and lack of loyalty to their teachers and fellow martial artists is sadly common in many martial art communities.
Fellow Instructors

If you are an instructor and do not display good moral characteristics or act like a child you should not be teaching. You are in a position of authority and have the opportunity to change people’s lives. Do not take advantage of this. Every one out there who is not displaying this high moral standard is devaluing martial arts to all who have never known what it should really be.
This is a deep topic and we can address many scenarios and situations. If you are in a martial arts program or a teacher of the arts think about where you came from. Show respect and appreciation to everyone not just those who can help you.
Demonstrate high moral values and change yourself and others for the better.
Have fun with your practice. Grow strong and positive.