Chan Ssu Chin
Comes from Chen Tai Chi
1. Learn external movements
2. Then study internal
Silk Reeling Cocoon (Training exercises)
• Silk represents the way in which the energy flows through the body
• Cocoon represents your waist, as it rotates on its axis
• Chan Ssu= silk reeling cocoon
• Chin= internal flowing energy
• Start with external movements, then more internal to guide movement
• All movements are centered in the dan tien
• Deep breathing is essential to experience the most benefit from this practice
• Never do anything that causes pain always stay in a pain free range
25 Movements
1) Commencement of Chan Ssu Chin
a) Open stance
b) Start the movement by slightly raising hands to about the navel then sit down 1-2 inches with the legs as you Raise hands out to side. As you inhale, slowly turn palms upward exhale as palms circle in towards temples
c) Then inhale elbows move towards each other palms towards your face then open elbows out to side as palms turn towards the ground to exhale and lower hands slowly.
d) This movement can either be done with two breaths or one
2) Turning head
a) Hands on your hips Look left, then right
b) Turn your torso first, and follow with your head. Arch your eyes, and have your gaze follow the turn side “like looking back in torro badwagin”
3) Circle head/body
a) Same as #2 shoulder width stance and hands to hips, circle to the left first
b) Circle waist and rotate torso and head. Keep the circle smooth and relaxed. Do this 9x in each direction
c) Then Do #1 (commencement) one time
4) Shoulder rolls
a) Do shoulder rotations forward to rear using the whole body use a left lead stance
i) Open and close chest/opposite hand relax at side
ii) Alternate weight distributions from front to rear
iii) Hand softly sticks to leg and hip as you roll
b) After you do the left side front and rear roll, do rear replace footwork and do right side
c) Do #1 one time
5) Horse shoulder rolls
a) Open to wide horse stance
b) Do double shoulder rotations, opening and closing your chest and back your full range, exhaling while closed and inhale while open
i) Forward to rear
ii) Then rear to forward, using legs to move up and down
iii) Legs raise when shoulders raise if legs are healthy can sit down in to the hoarse stance
c) Step to shoulder width stance, and do #1 one time
6) Lean back spread arms 9x per side
a) Step to pichuan stance, with your left foot forward
b) Make light fists with your hands in front of dan tion, and rock back, shifting your weight to your rear leg and open arms out to sides, with your elbows slightly bent. Open chest when arms are in the rear, and when forward arms swing down by sides at the hips
c) Do a fast shoulder snap 3x with a bit of power. Start with your weight on your rear foot. Snap forward, back, forward, back, forward, and then tchange sides or leads with rear replace.
d) Step to shoulder width horse stance, and do #1 one time
7) Wave hands
a) Step to pichuan with your left lead, with the opposite rear hand on your hip
b) Circle your left arm (similar to wave hands). Use waist, and turn palm out.
i) Lead erect, spine straight, buttocks tucked
ii) As your weight moves forward and arm is lifting and out, open ribs (Chest bow). As your weight shifts and your rear arm is back, close your ribs.
iii) Rotate torso, and move from dan tien
c) Do other side
d) Do #1 one time
8) Lazy dragon rolling on beach x2
a) Step to pichuan with your left lead, with the opposite rear hand on your hip
i) Circle left arm opposite of wave hands. Your palm faces you as you pull up and in. When your hand reaches your shoulder, twist inward and down as you push away, keeping twist until extended.
ii) Shift weight, open and close, up and down, with right hand on hip
iii) Do each side
b) Lazy dragon horse
i) Step to wide horse
ii) Do side circles using same movement as #8, but using both hands
iii) Shift weight 80-20% side to side. Head turns toward approaching hand, and body at angle on extension. Lean, and use low stance.
iv) Close with #1 one time
9) Lazy about tying coat
a) Step into wide horse high stance
b) Right hand circles big, similar to wave hands, turning palm out at top. Left hand circles clockwise, palm out, as you circle left on the down side of the circle it travels over top of right arm coming up
c) Do other side, keep flow on change verticle
d) Do #1 one time
10) Chopping
a) Step to pichuan with left lead
b) Both arms circle horizontal to right
i) Left chop motions as hand moves forward
ii) As left hand is coming in, right hand moves forward.
iii) As left hand is coming in towards head, the back of the hand faces head.
iv) Weight shifts
v) You can add soft power on the last couple of movements on each side. (with a bit of fajing)
c) Do #1 one time
11) Swimming to the sky x2
i) Step to wide horse
ii) Hand circle up center (backhand to backhand), whole and open as stance raises
iii) Exhale as you lower sit low if pain free. When hands reach the bottom, with fingers pointing forward palms facing each other, relax your wrists out to backs of hands facing each other, then repeat
i) Change directions of circles at the bottom on your last cycle of swimming to the sky (a)
ii) At top, relax wrists out. Backhands come together, fingers pointing down towards the ground and lower hands down.
iii) Do #1 one time
12) Breathe stroke x2
a) Yang circles
i) Step to pichuan with left lead
ii) Hands circle “like a breath stroke”
iii) Start movement at the soloplex, palms up and side-by-side. Swim forward and out circle
iv) When hands reach solo plexes, “relax wrists” and circle again.
v) When hands come back, lead foot rocks back, with no pause in the rocking.
b) Yin circles
i) Circle out and up as palms come in to face head. Fingers turn down, and hands go behind back to circle around.
ii) Feet rock
c) Repeat a and b on the other side
d) Close with #1 one time

13) Clapping x2
i) Step approximately 1 foot wider to horse stance
ii) Hands circle up to the centerline and out around (yang circle) to about shoulder height then out to the sides and down. Then they close towards each other at stomach height palms facing, pause (wave with the wrists) and turn palms up. Hands go out to the sides shoulder height to snap lightly, and then fall to slap sides, use legs.
i) Swing hands down and out, and up and in with palms facing the face as they come in. Then make small yin circles with wrists, palms down and arms out to sides shoulder height. Snap lightly, and then fall to sides. Legs go up and down 2 times for each flow.
ii) Close with #1 one time.
14) Power
a) Step to pichaun with left lead
b) Lead hand circles up the centerline. Palm to the left, forward out and down as you squat low.
c) Rear hand circles opposite lead hand. When lead is high, rear is low. Have your palm face the ground when lowering, and keep your rising hand on the inside as palms cross.
d) Do other side
e) Do #1 one time
15) Bent arm shoulder rolls x2
a) Step to pichaun with left lead.
b) Left arm folds to a bent wrist, and circles outward or counter clockwise, keeping hand near chest. Movement starts at torso, to shoulder, to elbow. Coordinate muscles like you are swimming. Keep your opposite hand on your hip.
c) Change direction of rotation. When your hand is falling, it floats away from your chest. Use your legs, waist, and torso. As your hand rises it rides up the side of your body.
d) Do the other side
e) Do #1 one time
16) Bent arm shoulder rolls horse
a) Step to wide horse
b) Do b from #15 with both arms at the same time. As they rise together, the wrists and forearms cross.
c) Change directions, and do c from #15 with both arms. Your hands come down side by side.
d) Close with #1 one time
17) Waving
a) Step to pichaun with left lead
b) Bring your right hand to your hip, and your left arm straight out in front of your shoulder, with your arm slightly bent. Rotate your wrist outwards counter clockwise using your entire body, then circle clockwise and drop your shoulders. Find the connection with the ground to guide the movement.
c) Do the other side
d) Step to horse and put both hands together. Outward hands wider their shoulders.
e) Then do inward
f) Close with #1 one time
18) Hula dance x2
a) Go to shoulder width horse stance
b) Put your hands to your hips, hula dance clockwise and counterclockwise (rotate hips horizontal to ground)
c) Rotate hips and organs in horizontal circles. Do both directions. Use legs
d) Then rotate the internal organs forward and back vertical to the ground then reverse the movement. Like abdominal and spinal rolling.
e) Close with #1 one time
19) Empty trash x2
a) Step to wide horse
b) Make fists swing from side to side (hands staying low), rotating your torso to lead your arms like whips. If swinging the right hand, keep your right palm up, and left palm down with a brief pause at the end of the swing and relax arms to the hips. Then do other side back and forth. After the right pause, have your right hand fall relaxed to the side. Left hand is about (low chest or solo plex height)
c) Variation #2 Open and close your chest. Go clockwise to the left, and counter clockwise to the right. Circle your hands to the left side, with your left palm down and your right palm up (opposite of empty trash #1). At the end of the movement, pause with light power, and relax and flow to the other side. Do a full circle with your arms, and then relax them
d) Do #1 one time.
20) Around the world
a) Step one foot wider than shoulder horse.
b) Relax your arms as you forward bend into a forward circle (arms bend with the movement). Move your body clockwise and let your arms circle, using your torso, hips, and head. Keep the root of your stance firm (spine stays long intentionally collapse or bend spine to get more movement). Hips, legs, torso, head, and arms stay together, moving as one while you move. Make “chen fists” (relaxed fists), and lead don tien.
Do other directions, rolling up slowly, one vertebra at a time.
c) Close with #1 one time.
21) cross country ski punching
a) Step to pichaun with left lead
b) Do punching, like cross country skiing. Punch the center line, with your palm down when you hit. Have your palm up when back, with a middle finger eagle beak.
c) Close with #1 one time. Be sure to turn your fist slow and focused.
22) Knee bends
a) Go to wide horse stance, and put both hands to your left knee and circle in both directions, then bend front and back. Then do the other side.
b) Step your feet together, and put one hand to each knee. Then circle left and right.
c) Step shoulder width apart, and put one hand to each knee. Circle in and out.
d) As you do slow squats, lower your hands. Start at the side hip, and slide down to the front of your thigh, just over your knee. Rise and slide back up.
e) Do #1 one time.
23) Kicking
a) Stand in shoulder width horse stance, with your hands on your hips.
b) Side kicking, circle knee over in and kick lightly out to heel, back and forth, side to side.
c) Do #1 one time to close.
24) Heel pivots
a) Stand in shoulder width horse stance, with your hands to your hips.
b) Shift your weight slowly, and rotate on your heel to flex ankle joint as far as you can in each direction, keeping your knee over your toe. If your knee is bent, you will feel no pain. If you do feel any pain make sure to stay in a comfortable range these movements SHOULD NOT cause any pain.
c) Do the other side
d) Do #1 one time to close.
25) Close shaking
a) Close shoulder width horse stance
b) Raise your hands like preparation. When you reach the forehead height and shoulder width, close fists, pull arms in, and shake out limbs from dan tien. Start with a slow shake and softly increase the speed. With the ripple effect, lower your hands with open fists, and close with preparation. Make sure your palms face each other when shaking.