The BJJ Prison Guard is a useful Jiu-Jitsu self-defense position that is an excellent alternative for those grapplers who can’t effectively use the rubber guard. The main reason why is because it requires far less flexibility, and the moves can be just as effective. This full guard system is one that you’ll definitely want to learn, especially if you want to step up your offensive game and tap out better opponents.

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Head and Arm Control
This is by far the most common position that you’ll utilize when using the prison guard. The reason why is because this technique can lead to a variety of setups and submissions. To effectively use the head and arm control over the prison guard, be sure that you are turning on your hips and using a butterfly grip (fingers not laced) when wrapping the head and arm.
With this Jiu-Jitsu self-defense move, it is important that you keep everything as tight as possible. If you leave even the slightest gap, you will need to start all over and break down your opponent’s posture starting from the beginning. In the following sections, let’s take a look at what you can transition to from the head and arm control.
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The “Lee Morris” Submission
The Lee Morris is an effective move that you can use to start setting your opponent up for the arm bar. While there are a lot of moves and steps involved, it is definitely worth trying as you’ll likely achieve a guaranteed submission once you perform it the right way. To perform this technique, simply create a little distance between you and your opponent, slide your leg over their head, trap the arm, and continue rolling. This will effectively place you in the arm bar position, where you can work for the submission or a better position.
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The “County” Submission
This Jiu-Jitsu self-defense submission can also be done from head and arm control, and will end up with you having your opponent in a triangle lock. Similar to the Lee Morris, you are trying to create a little distance behind shooting your hips forward. In fact, this submission is great for when the Lee Morris doesn’t work as you can easily make the transition.
Taking the Back
Taking the back is likely what you’ll achieve 99% of the time when going for either submission. The reason why is because while your opponent is busy defending your attacks, they are leaving their backs wide open. Taking the back is simple: simply wrap your opponent’s body from the prison guard, and hook the body as you start “cutting the corner” and then throw in your hooks with the legs. This Jiu-Jitsu self-defense technique is highly affective and will work a large majority of the time.