Is Women’s Self-Defense Difficult?

Professor Leonard Trigg
Women’s self-defense is inherently the same thing as regular self-defense. It will teach you self-discipline, respect, perseverance, and will allow you to increase your cardiovascular endurance.
Self-defense classes might be difficult in the sense that you’ll be challenged both mentally and physically each and every practice. However, it isn’t difficult in the sense that you’re going to get “beat up” or “picked on” by larger and stronger opponents. In the long run, you’ll come to realize that the difficulties associated with self-defense classes will be well worth the time and money you invested in them.
What’s the Hardest Part of Self-Defense Classes?
Arguably one of the hardest parts of self-defense classes is the conditioning. This is especially true if you aren’t in shape already. Most people don’t realize just how much energy it takes to grapple with an opponent for several minutes at a time. Your coaches may also have you partake in various other cardiovascular endurance-related activities, including jogging, push-ups, and even jumping jacks.
Another thing that you might find difficult is actually learning the moves. Some moves require a previous foundation to build upon, so if you’ve never practiced that particular form of martial arts before, then you might feel a little frustrated when learning. Finally, you may find it difficult to come to classes regularly. Remember that you aren’t going to get any better by skipping classes.
Attend Classes Often
While attending self-defense classes isn’t mandatory, they are highly recommended. Since you’re already paying for your tuition there, make sure that you attend daily. Don’t waste your time or money, regardless of how lazy you are feeling. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll find that you’ll progress the most quickly when you attend classes at least once per day.
Some people even go as far as to attend classes each day (once in the early morning and once after work)! However, the frequency by which you’re able to attend correlates with exactly how much free time you have. If you work from home then you’ll ultimately dictate how frequently you can go. However, if you’re hindered by your current work schedule then you’ll simply need to do your best to attend as much as possible.