Mixed martial arts has grown tremendously in popularity in recent years, so it’s no surprise that more and more people are wanting to hop on board. Because of this, a lot of aspiring fighters wonder the same thing: How do I start MMA? In the subsequent sections of this article, we’ll help break down what you’ll need to get started in mixed martial arts.

How Do I Start MMA?
Portland MMA Rule #1: You Don’t Need Background Experience
Although it certainly helps, you don’t need to have any experience in athletics or martial arts in order to start training MMA. As a general rule of thumb, most fighters without any prior martial arts experience will typically wait around a year before they’re able to step into the octagon to fight. If you have experience in kickboxing, boxing, jiu-jitsu, or judo, then your learning curve is probably going to be much faster, and you’ll probably get your fight more quickly as a result. Just know that background experience isn’t mandatory for getting started.
Portland MMA Rule #2: Know Why You’re Training
Are you joining a Portland MMA gym so that you can become more attractive to the opposite sex? Are you training so that you can learn how to defend yourself should you get into an altercation? Are you trying to become rich and famous? It always helps to have a strong conviction for why you’re training. This will help provide you with the motivation that you need to train when you don’t feel like it, diet when you’re supposed to, and cut the weight when it’s required.
Portland MMA Rule #3: Age Doesn’t Matter
Are you hesitant about starting MMA out of fear that you’re too old or too young to fight professionally? If so, don’t worry – there are many MMA fighters who started training at both relatively young and relatively old ages, and who still managed to have strong careers. Don’t allow your age (whether it be old or young) to discourage you from starting MMA. As long as you’re willing to work hard and put in the time to train, age doesn’t matter.

How Do I Start MMA?
Once you’ve set aside your worries and have made the decision to commit to this sport, it’s time to decide on a Portland MMA gym. For anyone asking, “How do I start MMA?” The answer is that you can’t until you find a gym that not only suits your budget, but that understands how to effectively train you in a safe and efficient way.