Class Doing Jiu Jitsu Drills
Not everyone likes to take part in Jiu Jitsu drills because they find them the less appealing aspect of training. Most students of the art prefer to learn a few techniques in class and then take part in free rolling. This is not always the very best approach to training because there is a huge gap missing between learning techniques in a static fashion vs. being able to make those techniques work in a rolling session.
Jiu Jitsu drills are designed to act as that bridge. Drills help you develop the coordination, conditioning, and timing required to make all your techniques work. Drills are not anything magical as much as they are just tried and true approaches to training methods which make you more skilled.
What are some common examples of Jiu Jitsu drills which can help you improve your game? There are scores upon scores of them and the following is a brief look at a few very helpful ones:
- You perform an armlock on your partner who immediately executes an escape, establishes a dominant position, performs his own armbar and then you do the same he did. This will repeat.
- Guard passing drills work where the person in the guard is allowed only to pass the guard and the person in the guard is to sweep or submit. When someone succeeds in his goal, you switch positions.
- You are pinned in side control and have to get out of the pin within 15 seconds or less. The goal here is to develop an explosive escape from an inferior position.
Of course, these are only a few of the Jiu Jitsu drills you can perform. You really are not limited in any way since you can invent drills designed to promote improvements in your performance.
Jiu Jitsu Drills
Drills also have another excellent positive benefit to them. They help reduce the potential for injury. When you improve your skills and your reflexes, you will discover that your common aches, bruises, and injuries are reduced because you are not dealing with the problem of always being behind the proverbial eight ball due to not having the right reflexes to deal with an opponent.
Drills can also be performed at low, medium, and high intensity. You do not have to kill yourself when performing any drills as you can still get a lot out of them even when you are engaging in them at a moderate pace.
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