Unless you’ve been gifted with the ability to be ambidextrous, chances are good that you have one hand that is stronger and faster than the other. In boxing, this is referred to as your dominant hand, and finding out which one it is will help you success in the ring. Knowing which hand is your dominant one will also determine what your overall boxing strategy and stance will be like.

How Do You Figure Out Your Dominant Hand?
The best way to figure out your dominant hand in Portland boxing is to perform the “dominant hand test”. Basically, it works like this: go to a speed bag, hit it 10 times with one hand, and 10 times with the other. Keep repeating back and forth from hand to hand, trying to focus on your accuracy and timing. The hand that performs that best is probably your dominant hand.
Placement of Your Dominant Hand While Fighting
During a boxing fight, it is imperative that you keep your dominant hand in the back. And there are a few reasons for this, but let’s first discuss the responsibilities of your front hand to help you understand why your hand doesn’t belong there. Your front hand should be there for defense, for setting up bigger punches, and for measuring range. The jab is the perfect weapon for this, but it doesn’t need to be exceptionally fast or powerful to get the job done.
Back hand responsibilities include power, speed, and accuracy. Portland boxing tips suggest that your back hand will often land the “knockout” blow during a boxing match. It is for this reason that you should consider placing your dominant hand in the back. Not only will you be able to deliver more power with your dominant hand but you’ll also be able to deliver them with greater precision and speed.
If The Dominant Hand is So Important, Why Doesn’t it Go in Front? This is a common question that you may have regarding the positioning of your hand. But the answer is quite simple: if you take your strong hand and force it to take on week hand responsibilities (like measuring range or jabbing) then you will become a one-handed fighter who is easy to beat. Having your strong hand in the back is like having a strong safety net. It will be the threat of the strong back dominant hand that will keep your opponent’s timid of getting too close during a boxing match.