Bodybuilders Bodyweight exercises
The seven count bodybuilder bodyweight exercises is one of the most intense movements that you could add to your workout program is relatively similar to that of a burpee only with some key differences. This exercise offers so much variety that it’s almost like a complete body workout all in one.
Main Muscles Worked:
The main muscles worked when performing 7 count body builders are the glutes, hamstrings, quads, core, shoulders, chest, and back.
How To Perform:
To perform the seven count bodybuilders exercise:
1. Get down so that your hands are on the floor
2. Jump the legs back until they’re stretched out beneath you (you should be in a plank-like position).
3. Jump the feet outwards so they’re a comfortable distance apart.
4. Pause and then jump back inwards again so you’re back in the plank position.
5. Move directly down into a push-up
6. Push back up through the push-up until you’re once again in the plank
7. Jump the feet back to the hands and then move into the full standing position to complete the rep.
Bodybuilders are a favorite drill of Grandmaster Chai Sirisute. Fighters will do hundreds of reps per day in his intensive Muay Thai training camps. Over the course of a five day camp you can build up to doing 75-100 in a set….. while facing downhill… in the mud.