Application for testing:



Muay Thai – Phase 1 (Beginner)



Name: ______________________________________





Time training in current phase: __________


Requirements checklist:

o 16oz boxing gloves

o Bag gloves

o Mouth guard


You must be in your full uniform.



Student Signature: ___________________________________


Instructor Approval: __________________________________


Test Date: _____________________


Result: ________________________












You have earned access to your phase. Please do not redistribute it without permission.


Click Here to view the Muay Thai/Boxing Orientation Video




Muay Thai

Phase 1 (Beginner)


Minimum training: 25 Classes



a)  Rhythm

When practicing rhythm, use it in all areas of your Muay Thai training: shadow boxing, mitts, bags, etc.   The rhythm will help you stay relaxed, sharpen your response time and give you a solid base with the variety of Muay Thai techniques that will be practiced.  Also, you can use the rhythm and your stance as a good warm-up maybe do 5-10 minutes just stance and rhythm.   You will find your fluidity and form will be strong, and you will start to see more with the training.



a)  Rear replace rhythm

b)  Step up rhythm

c)  Step back rhythm



a) Thai Kick W/ Spin Through to Block

b)  Short foot jab

c)  Long foot jab




a)  #1 Knee (cover & knee)

b)  #2 Knee (pull down & knee)

c)  Skip knees (hit-hop-hit)

d)  Long straight knee

e )  Medium straight knee



a)  Horizontal

b)  Spinning Back

1.  Spin through

2.  Come back

* Practice elbows with cover hand to the crown of head or wrist to forehead


VI.     Striking

a)     Thai 1,2

  1. Jab, Straight Right, Hook, Straight Right, Roll (to the right), Straight Right, Hook, Roll, Hook, Straight Right

b)    With Body Shot Response

  1. Mitt holder hits the left side: R-Uppercut, Hook, Straight Right, Roll (to the right), Straight Right, L Hook
  2. Mitt holder hits the right side: L-Uppercut, Straight Right Roll (to Right),  Straight Right, L Hook


VII.   Ram Muay


a)  Long ceremony – the first section




VIII.   History


a)     What year did the teaching of Muay Thai begin in the United States?

  1. 1968

b)    What year was the first U.S. team taken to Thailand to compete in the International Muay Thai Championship?

  1. 1982

c)     How many rounds are there in amateur fights held in the U.S.?

  1. Three

d)    Who was the first foreigner to win the Muay Thai Championship in Thailand?

  1. Fujiwara

e)     Why do most instructors train their students in the late afternoon and early evening hours?

  1. Because that is when most fights are usually scheduled

f)      In which month is Teacher’s Day acknowledged by the Thai Boxing Asso.?

  1. October

g)     What does the student present to his/her instructor in honor of Teacher’s Day?

  1. One candle, three sticks of incense, and dried flowers

h)    Before performing the Wai Kru ceremony, what is the first thing the fighter should have on his/her mind?

  1. Religion and their teacher

i)       What is the best way for a student to improve and become a good fighter?

  1. Train hard, focus on conditioning, work the basics and emphasize good form






I.            Stance Box

  1. Classical with pointer foot
  2. Classical with 45-degree front foot
    1. Measurement procedure:  (a) pivot 90 (b) pivot 90 (c) pivot 90 (d) pivot 45 with right foot (e) lift right heel (f) bend knees.
    2. Also, along with structure, attitude is important.


  1.     II.            Standard 10-count straight punch

1. Jab

2. Double Jab

3. Triple Jab

4. Rear Punch

5. Double Rear Punch

6. Triple Rear Punch

7. Jab, Rear Punch (1,2)

8. Rear Punch, Jab (2,1)

9. Double Jab, Rear Punch

10. Double Rear Punch, Jab





           Ring strategy

*If a fighter is knocked down, don’t hop right up; take a knee, and tell the ref. you’re ok, then get up.

-If you hop right up could be dizzy

-It looks bad to doc, judges, fighter,s etc.

*If knocked down and was a solid shot, you need more rest. Circle around ref. to give a few more seconds.

*If still shaken up, move in to clinch.

*Always bring two mouthguards to a fight or test.

*Towel, water, Vaseline, bucket, etc. Come prepared.

*** For Level 1, all students are expected to learn the first section of the ceremony (Wai Kru). Up until 2:43 in the video.

Members will be certified as assistant instructors within Northwest Fighting Arts upon completion of the NWFA stand-up curriculum Phase I: Beginner, Intermediate, Intermediate-Advanced, and Advanced sections.  This certification allows members to teach within NWFA under the supervision of senior instructors.