Black Belt Club Module E
Minimum training: 16 classes
Lameco Eskrima:
- Heaven Six Count Sinawali
- Heaven and Earth Six Count Sinawali
- Earth Six Count Sinawali
- All performed with long and short tools
Jiu Jitsu
Hip Throws
- Body & arm
- Head & arm
- Single arm
- Drop to knees
- All performed against gripping, striking or weapon attacks
Grip breaks:
- Hand squeeze
- Thumb
- Pressure Point
- 6 count arm bar with black belt secret
- S-mount armbar
- Rolling armbar from quarter
Theory Challenge:
Bruce Lee once said “I do not fear the man who knows ten thousand kicks. I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times.”
Why did he say this? I what way can you apply it to your personal training?
Required Protective Equipment:
Eskrima Sticks
Practice Dagger
Boxing GlovesBag Gloves
Head Gear Mouthpiece Shin Guards
This gear is required to participate in higher contact training. This is a further step in learning to use and apply the students training. These items are required at testing time.